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Cheval Passion / Avignon 2011

Sky of Azure and Siberian cold, here is how it is presented this edition of Horse Passion - Avignon 2011.
We (Daniel and Yannick) want to thank: Olivia and Guy (owner of Max and Phryso), Laure and Eric (owner of Mathijs), Fiona, Léa, Lolo and their parents, Héléna and Jonathan for their complicity, cheerfulness and "professionalism". Those were present who represented the Frisian race: Epke Ster, Stoer van Boreel Ster, Saviro Ster, Wichman, Mathijs, Max, Phryso and Wiarda fan Hylpen representative of the feminine gente, as well as Gerke and Germen our "nursery".

Performances made a success, thanks to public and thanks for your compliments.

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Les Frisons de Mougins
Les Frisons de Mougins - 299 Avenue Notre Dame de Vie - 06250 MOUGINS - France
Tél./Fax : (33) 0 4 93 90 14 35 Mobile : 06 11 50 60 35 / 06 09 78 54 29